30/09/2024 |
Prof. Omid Kavehei -- How to balance the three A’s in brain interfacing? |
25/09/2024 |
凌閣 博士-- 5G ORAN RU Technology |
09/09/2024 |
葉佳宜 教授-- Toward intrinsically secure and physical layer aware mmWave and THz networks |
02/09/2024 |
黃楚翔 教授 -- Towards building an intelligent 6G mobile network, and a career path with informed decisions |
07/08/2024 |
Prof. Yu-Jui Huang -- Generative Modeling by Minimizing the Wasserstein-2 Loss |
06/08/2024 |
Dr.Baek-Young Choi -- Al-Assisted Network Services over Federated Open Networks in 5G and beyond |
27/06/2024 |
Ashutosh Sabharwal教授-- Multipath Radar Imaging for Next-generation Wireless Networks |
03/06/2024 |
陳駿丞 副研究員 -- MeDM: Mediating Image Diffusion Models for Video-to-Video Translation with Temporal Correspondence |
28/05/2024 |
Prof. Lijun Jiang -- Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) and Machine Learning for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Signal Integrity (SI) and Power Integrity (PI) |
20/05/2024 |
蘇文珀 副所長 -- 國防電子系統自主的使命與關鍵技術 |
15/05/2024 |
蕭博文 資深特助 -- 承上啟下、合縱連橫-先進封裝技術概論 |
13/05/2024 |
梁賓先 董事長-- 物聯網趨勢與5G融合與創新 |
08/05/2024 |
Prof. Pai-Yen Chen -- 用於遠距醫療和遠距醫療的微奈米技術驅動的天線電路和感測器 |
06/05/2024 |
張哲睿博士候選人-- Learning from Synthetic Data for Human-Centered Tasks |
06/05/2024 |
李中旺 董事長 -- 探索網路精密對時協定PTP(Precision Time Protocol) |
02/05/2024 |
Prof. Ji Chen --Recent Research, Certification, and Solutions for MRI Safety of Medical Implants |
22/04/2024 |
彭奐? 協理 -- 天線的研發實務與產業現狀 |
17/04/2024 |
徐正池 資深處長 -- 車載顯示晶片之 EMC日常 |
12/04/2024 |
Prof. Nan Yang -- Enabling Terahertz Communications for 6G and Beyond Wireless Networks |
27/03/2024 |
Justin Tony Hou碩士與博士候選人 -- 微波磁振子耦合系統:二維反鐵磁材料與電路量子電動力學結合自旋軌道力矩 |
18/03/2024 |
古煥宇 助理教授 -- Distillation of steering and impossible distillation of measurement incompatibility under local filters |
04/03/2024 |
蘇仰志 創辦人-- 「找到你人生的OKR」-實踐屬於你改變世界的影響力 |
04/03/2024 |
王志宇教授-- Collaborative Edge Computing, or How I Stop Worrying and Try Machine Learning |
26/02/2024 |
曹昱教授 -- Neural Speech Assessment |
26/02/2024 |
Prof.Thierry, Albert, Jean-Louis, Blu-- Sparsity Through Annihilation: Algorithms and Applications |
19/02/2024 |
Prof. Chung-Tse Michael Wu -- Spectro-Temporal Dispersion-Engineered Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Sensing and Communications |
17/01/2024 |
Prof. Wei Yu -- Massive Random Access with Massive MIMO |
11/01/2024 |
Dr. Zilong Liu (劉子龍)-- Waveform Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) |
09/01/2024 |
Dr. Chia-Yi Yeh-- Toward intrinsically secure and physical layer aware mmWave and THz networks |
18/12/2023 |
黃楚翔 主管工程師-- From 5G to 6G: Towards a Ubiquitous Network with Intelligent Air Interface |
14/12/2023 |
Prof. Weng Cho Chew -- Quantum Electromagnetics: An Introduction and Three Game-Changing Computational Electromagnetics Algorithms |
13/12/2023 |
歐陽良昱 助理教授--人工智慧與自動化輔助設計於電波領域之應用 |
11/12/2023 |
蘇家愷教授--生活是值得認真對待的 |
06/12/2023 |
Prof. Stefano Maci -- Metasurface Antennas: The Third Generation |
27/11/2023 |
王淑靜資深顧問--如何保護你的創作發明? |
20/11/2023 |
葉丙成教授--用創新改變世界 |
13/11/2023 |
蔡昇甫助理教授-- 2023電信所校友回娘家: 蔡昇甫教授 |
13/11/2023 |
游世安執行長--創業與創新管理與半導體產業機會 |
08/11/2023 |
林俊賢 總經理-- 應用於軍工與航太產業之射頻系統簡介 |
06/11/2023 |
呂學錦前董事長--運用數位轉型創造價值的案例分享 |
06/11/2023 |
陳柏志 博士候選人-- Hybrid Convolutional Beamspace DOA Estimation for RF-Chain-Limited mmWave Arrays |
01/11/2023 |
曾斌祺 處長-- Multiphysics Brings the System Design into Simulations |
30/10/2023 |
Sanghoon Lee 教授-- Music-conditioned pluralistic dancing and a multi-camera system |
30/10/2023 |
Prof. Toshihisa Tanaka — Invasive Brain-Computer Interfacing for Speech Decoding with Transformer-based Techniques |
30/10/2023 |
王新博博士後研究員--Channel Manipulation as a Coding Technique |
25/10/2023 |
Madhavan Swaminathan 教授-- The Future of Heterogeneous Integration – Challenges & Opportunities |
04/10/2023 |
王聲遠 經理-- 低軌道衛星地面用 戶終端技術簡介 |
20/09/2023 |
陳晏笙教授-- 無晶片射頻辨識的挑戰與突破 |
18/09/2023 |
莊炳湟院士--Accretionary Learning with Deep Neural Networks |
18/09/2023 |
徐士傑教授-- Accelerating Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Discovery |
13/09/2023 |
湯敬文教授-- Interesting Design of Filter With Switchability |
11/09/2023 |
黃紹倫教授-- Distributed Hypothesis Testing Over AWGN Channels |
11/09/2023 |
董浩文先生 — Generative AI for Music and Audio |
29/08/2023 |
Alberto Valdes-Garcia, Ph. D. -- 3D millimeter-wave imaging and sensing with Si-based phased arrays, edge computing, and AI |
07/07/2023 |
Mr.Tze-Yang Tung -- Semantic communication: a joint source-channel coding perspective |
28/06/2023 |
Prof. Arya Mazumdar -- Heterogeneity and Communication in Federated Learning |
12/06/2023 |
Prof. Sankaranarayanan-- Extreme 3D Scanning with Scenarios Computational Cameras and Machine Learning |
24/05/2023 |
彭奐?先生 -- 天線工程師的職涯分享 |
22/05/2023 |
章朝盛博士 -- Towards the quantum limit noise level- Overview of cryogenic receiving techniques in radio astronomy |
10/05/2023 |
陳重均博士 -- SerDes Design Challenges from Impairments |
08/05/2023 |
李坤彥教授-- Wide bandgap semiconductor material, Silicon carbide, and its applications |
03/05/2023 |
許永泰經理 -- Develop AESA UT for LEO from Scratch |
27/04/2023 |
Prof. Zhi Ning Chen — An Antenna: A Simple Piece of Metal with A Highly Complex Task |
24/04/2023 |
張海濱研究員-- Machine Learning-based Slice Management in 5G Networks for Emergency Scenarios |
29/03/2023 |
周錫熙副教授 — 應用於電磁波之液晶超表面結構 |
27/03/2023 |
呂俊賢研究員--Some Recent Topics on Deep Learning Security |
20/03/2023 |
林昌鴻教授-- Code Compression for Embedded Systems |
20/03/2023 |
Dr. Alex Chia - Chun Hsu–MediaTek 6G Vision |
13/03/2023 |
洪樂文教授--Federated Knowledge Caching and In-Network Learning over Wireless Networks |
01/03/2023 |
Prof. Kin Huat Low — Current Developments & Future Considerations in UAS Traffic Management - R&D efforts towards safe urban UAV operations |
20/02/2023 |
王志宇副研究員--Collaborative Edge Computing, or How I Stop Worrying and Try Machine Learning |
28/12/2022 |
Dr. Chu-Hsiang Huang–5G Evolution and Paving the Way toward 5G advance and 6G:3GPP Release 17 update |
21/12/2022 |
吳宗信主任 — Taiwanese dream to space |
19/12/2022 |
Dr. Shih-Chun Lin–AI-Native Federated Networks for 6G and Edge Intelligence |
14/12/2022 |
詹英傑研發長 — 無人機簡介 |
12/12/2022 |
陳筱青教授-- RFICs for Biomedical Systems and Quantum Computing |
12/12/2022 |
張國韋博士–擁抱限制 |
07/12/2022 |
游世安董事長&劉慈愛特助 — Design and verification of ultralow power mmWave radar sensor systems for fusion sensing applications |
30/11/2022 |
林正國協理—WIN GaN/SiC HEMT Technology for RF Power Amplifier Applications |
28/11/2022 |
邱偉育副教授-- Data-Driven Control in Smart Grids |
28/11/2022 |
黃騰輝博士後研究員 - On Non-Convex Splitting Methods for Information Theoretic Representation Learning |
23/11/2022 |
張盛富教授—電磁波的生醫應用--脊椎微創手術之骨釘定位 |
16/11/2022 |
曾斌祺處長 – Introduction to SI/PI in System Design |
14/11/2022 |
楊成發產學長-- Some RF Studies and Facilities Related to Wireless Communications at Taiwan Tech |
14/11/2022 |
葉佳宜博士後–Security in High-Frequency Wireless Links |
09/11/2022 |
屈慶勳處長–From 5G to B5G/6G:lndustry trend and Your Opportunity – from RF Design Perspective |
02/11/2022 |
更正:陳立偉 執行長 – 全球淨零碳排趨勢 |
25/10/2022 |
第25周年-校友回娘家論壇 |
24/10/2022 |
潘家賢技術副經理--5G Millimeter Wave |
24/10/2022 |
Dr. Bernard Shung - Climbing the Corporate Ladders for Engineers |
12/10/2022 |
徐碩鴻院長–GaN HEMT and Its Applications to RF Power Amplifiers |
05/10/2022 |
葉子禎部經理&謝協宏經理–CMOS RF/mmWave Design for Next-Generation Applications |
03/10/2022 |
李濬屹副教授--Challenges of Sim-to-Real Learning for Deep Learning Based Intelligent Robotics |
03/10/2022 |
Prof. Chin-Hui Lee: From Universal Approximation to Deep Regression -- A First Step Towards Explainable Artificial Intelligence |
21/09/2022 |
楊慶隆教授–Vital Sign Doppler Radars for Multi-Target Detection under Clutter Interferences |
19/09/2022 |
黃昱智副教授--Polar Decoding of Binary Linear Block Codes |
14/09/2022 |
陳常鈞副理、黃浩雲博士–相控陣列天線於Ku Band LEO & 5G FR2 ORAN運用之介紹&相控陣列天線快速量測演算法之介紹 |
12/09/2022 |
陳翊齊專案講師 - 臺灣學生寫作邏輯謬誤區 |
05/09/2022 |
孫紹華助理教授--Program-Guided Framework for Interpreting and Acquiring Complex Skills with Learning Robots |
06/06/2022 |
馬大康博士:從科技趨勢看見台灣的機會--AI + 5G + AIOT + Cloud 下的台灣競爭力 |
01/06/2022 |
陳有棟副總經理 -- Ultra-low Power AI at the Edge: Making Always-on Sensing a Reality |
23/05/2022 |
王新博博士後研究員–Group Testing, Tropical Arithmetic, and PCR Testing |
18/05/2022 |
張嘉展教授 -- 精彩的跨界演繹—生醫雷達之應用 |
16/05/2022 |
曾維新技術長--電腦視覺在業界的開發實務與應用 |
11/05/2022 |
馬光華技術長 -- 承上啟下合縱連橫-欣興芯_Build-Up and Re-distribution Technologies for Ultra High High Density Interconnection- The Core Competence of Unimicron |
04/05/2022 |
廖育德教授 -- Design of Low-Power Radios and Wireless Powering ICs for Ubiquitous Sensing |
27/04/2022 |
廖文照特聘教授 -- 以傳播延遲實現相位抵銷的超寬頻匿蹤結構設計 |
20/04/2022 |
王是琦總經理、傅從檳處長 -- TECHNOLOGY TRENDS - 網通應用技術發展趨勢&雷達感測介紹與應用 |
13/04/2022 |
林祐生教授–Super Compact Microwave Passive Circuit Designs Using Bridged-T Coils: New Views of the Old Circuit |
11/04/2022 |
李彥奇助理研究員–Capacity of First Arrival Position Channel in Diffusive Molecular Communication (New Paradigm for Nano- Scale Wireless Communication Theory) |
30/03/2022 |
楊尚樺助理教授–Now you see – Super sensing and beyond |
28/03/2022 |
何敦逸經理-- Design Trends and Challenges Faced Ahead of Signal and Power Integrity |
23/03/2022 |
許復 創辦人–科學人才應具備的領導人品牌傳播思維 |
21/03/2022 |
許金川教授--由現代科技看人體先天設計上的缺失 |
21/03/2022 |
Prof. Geordie Williamson - The Combinatorial Invariance Conjecture and Machine Learning |
16/03/2022 |
邵而康專利師–研發與專利 |
14/03/2022 |
曹昱博士-- Deep-learning-based Speech Enhancement with Its Application to Assistive Oral Communications Devices |
09/03/2022 |
王毓駒董事長–Vision 2030– enabling UAV shipping, real-time satellite imaging, and self-driving cars |
07/03/2022 |
王偉仲教授-- How Medical AI can Help Doctors to Help People |
23/02/2022 |
劉怡君副教授–CMOS Millimeter–wave Transceivers and Signal Sources |
21/02/2022 |
Chieh-Chi Kao - Acoustic Event Detection at Amazon Alexa |
14/02/2022 |
曾文興總經理-- AI時代的人才競爭力Think Big, Take Action |
17/01/2022 |
陳冠能國際長--3D IC and Advanced Packaging |
12/01/2022 |
紀佩綾副教授–Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) Reflectarray Antennas and 5G mm-Wave Components |
29/12/2021 |
吳宗澤助理教授–Microwave/mmWave Sensing,Imaging and Spectro-Temporal Manipulation via Dispersion-Engineered Electromagnetic Metamaterials |
27/12/2021 |
曾祥峻資深副總--5G商轉企業應用-MEC與Edge AI |
22/12/2021 |
曾斌祺副處長–System Design with Multi-Physics Considerations |
20/12/2021 |
吳迪融博士—Researches on CGI- an AlphaGo/AlphaZero-based Computer Go Program |
15/12/2021 |
曾祥峻資深副總--5G商轉企業應用-前哨站SDWAN/uCPE與MEC |
13/12/2021 |
Prof. Tony Q.S. Quek--Communications & Connectivity: Past, Present & Future |
13/12/2021 |
楊奕軒博士—Building the State of the Art in Automatic Music Generation |
08/12/2021 |
彭朋瑞助理教授–Design of ultra-high-speed transmitters beyond 100Gb/s in CMOS technology |
01/12/2021 |
蔡作敏副教授–微波及毫米系統開發 |
29/11/2021 |
林志堯創辦人、黃銘世董事長--推薦引擎技術的應用與趨勢發展 |
24/11/2021 |
簡俊超助理教授–Advancing Precision Medicine and Precision Health with CMOS- enabled Continuous Monitoring of Molecules, Cells, and Beyond |
08/11/2021 |
李政德副教授--On Data Science with Graph Representation Learning |
03/11/2021 |
鄭光偉副教授 – Ultra-low-Power Transceivers for Autonomous Radio and IoT applications |
27/10/2021 |
李尉彰副教授 – Towards Energy Efficient Mechanical Signal Processing—Micromechanical Vibro-Impact Resonant Switches |
25/10/2021 |
楊奕軒副研究員--Automatic Music Generation with Transformers |
20/10/2021 |
林群祐優聘教授 – ESD Protection Design for IC Products |
18/10/2021 |
洪偉玶助理教授--智慧家電應用於無線區域網路與互動功能之模組開發 |
13/10/2021 |
王復康助理教授 – 基於單次轉頻自我注入鎖定混合模態?達與頻率估計演算法之多重距?與生命徵象感測 |
07/06/2021 |
朱崇惠副主任 -- 衛星任務 |
24/05/2021 |
梁家愷博士 -- Mobile Computational Photography at Google |
19/05/2021 |
楊東華博士 – 相位陣列天線基本應用與設計考量要點 |
10/05/2021 |
林瀚仚助理教授 -- Quantum computers, what do they do? |
26/04/2021 |
曾柏軒副教授 -- mmWave MIMO Radar-based Hand Gesture Recognition |
31/03/2021 |
湯嘉倫副總經理 -- 天線技術發展與挑戰 |
29/03/2021 |
Dr. Iv?n Palomares Carrascosa -- Recommender Systems for Personalised Decision Support: recent trends for Sustainability and Social Good |
29/03/2021 |
Prof. Hsiao-Dong Chiang -- TRUST-TECH:A Novel and Flexible Paradigm for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization and its Applications |
15/03/2021 |
蔡華龍博士 -- 低軌道衛星通訊發展現況與未來 |
08/03/2021 |
何婕技術長 -- IG & FB 產品開發 |
22/02/2021 |
邱煥凱教授 -- 氮化鎵單石微波積體電路設計 Design of GaN monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) |
28/12/2020 |
李育杰博士 -- Distributed Consensus Learning for PCA and Support Vector Machines |
21/12/2020 |
Tony Q.S. Quek -- Start Thinking About 6G |
21/12/2020 |
陳光禎教授 -- Toward Quantum Photonic Wireless Communications and Computing |
14/12/2020 |
黃琴雅助理教授 -- Reliable Content Delivery in Next Generation Wireless Networks |
16/11/2020 |
柳德政處長 -- Wireless LAN Communication Technology Development |
11/11/2020 |
周瑞宏執行技術長 -- 5G毫米波技術與產品發展趨勢 |
09/11/2020 |
許炳堅講座教授 -- 善用個人專長與資源,迎接人工智慧時代 |
26/10/2020 |
鄭皓中助理教授 -- A Glimpse of the Quantum Information Industry 初探量子資訊產業 |
19/10/2020 |
鍾偉和教授 -- 資料分析應用於金融交易策略 |
14/10/2020 |
曾柏森副處長 -- 5G mmWave RF 設計 From IC Design House’s Perspective |
12/10/2020 |
張鴻埜主任 -- Microwave and Millimeter-wave Signal Generation using Injection Locked Technique |
05/10/2020 |
吳國維董事 -- 美國電子商務綱領預告 全球通信產業的變革及爭議? |
28/09/2020 |
洪子聖教授 -- Sensing Motion and Vital Signs with Wi-Fi Signals |
28/09/2020 |
Prof. Keshav Singh -- Signal Processing for 5G and Beyond Communications |
29/06/2020 |
張正尚特聘講座教授 -- Multichannel Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks |
01/06/2020 |
李佳翰教授 -- Wireless Communications Systems Design with Deep Learning: Advantages and Challenges |
27/05/2020 |
王金勝資深特助 -- 先進高頻高速電路板介紹 |
20/05/2020 |
沈裕琪博士 -- 介電常數及散逸係數在高頻電磁的傳輸損耗探討 |
29/04/2020 |
李貿?產品經理 -- 5G毫米波模擬應用 |
20/04/2020 |
吉正然執行長 -- 工業定位與視障導航 |
13/04/2020 |
毛敬豪所長 -- 供應鏈下的資安價值 |
23/03/2020 |
井琪 總經理 -- 電信業的轉型與5G的發展趨勢 |
16/03/2020 |
簡立峰博士 -- 人工智慧與台灣機會 |
07/02/2020 |
Dr. Pedro J. Moreno -- Speech Technologies at Google: an Overview |
09/01/2020 |
Dr. Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen -- Advancing cancer diagnostics with artificial intelligence |
09/01/2020 |
Prof. Jun-Chau Chien -- Advancing Precision Medicine and Precision Health with CMOS-enabled Continuous Monitoring of Molecules, Cells, and Beyond |
07/01/2020 |
Prof. Chun-Hsing Li -- CMOS Devices, Circuits, and Radars for THz Imaging Applications |
06/01/2020 |
Prof. Jin-Fa Lee -- Non-conformal Numerical Methods for Electromagnetic Radiation and Scattering Problems |
24/12/2019 |
Dr. Wanshi Chen -- 5G in 3GPP: current status and future trend |
23/12/2019 |
林之晨總經理 -- 從當 15 學分到市值第 15 大企業總經理,我的敗部復活之旅 |
23/12/2019 |
Dr. Albert Chern -- A Reflectionless Discrete Perfectly Matched Layer |
19/12/2019 |
Dr. Andreas Stolcke -- Combining Systems for High-accuracy Recognition and Diarization of Meetings |
18/12/2019 |
陳品卉博士 -- Magic Angle Spinning Spheres and Improved Microwave Coupling for Magnetic Resonance |
09/12/2019 |
陳佩君博士 -- Toward taming the training data complexity in smart manufacturing and beyond |
04/12/2019 |
曾斌祺副處長 -- SI/PI/EMI/RFI 電路設計簡介 |
02/12/2019 |
簡仁宗 教授 -- Stochastic Markov Recurrent Neural Networks |
02/12/2019 |
王崇智博士 -- 2019 台灣與國際新創趨勢及發展關鍵 |
25/11/2019 |
鄭皓中博士 -- An Introduction to Quantum Statistical Decision Theory |
25/11/2019 |
何虹首席營運長 -- 創新賦能,影響非凡 |
06/11/2019 |
Dr. Simone Bastioli -- Nonresonating Modes Do It Better! |
04/11/2019 |
楊正任博士 -- 行動通訊之產業發展趨勢 |
21/10/2019 |
張佳彥經理--AI的資訊安全之旅 |
07/10/2019 |
呂正華局長--產業轉型創新之路 |
07/10/2019 |
Prof. Stark Draper -- Applications of error-correction coding in data transmission and computer architecture |
01/10/2019 |
Prof. Riccardo Leonardi -- Modelling and finding symmetries for signal and image representation |
23/09/2019 |
23/09/2019 |
Dr. Ting-Chun Wang & Hsin-Ying Lee -- Adaptive Video-to-Video Synthesis & Deep Learning Application in Content Creation |
09/09/2019 |
陳伯寧教授--Optimal Attack for Distributed Inference |
07/08/2019 |
Prof. Tony Q.S. Quek -- AI: A Networking and Communication Perspective |
05/08/2019 |
Prof. Yingjun Zhang -- Wireless Powered Edge Computing |
03/07/2019 |
Dr. Xiaoxiong Gu -- Opportunities, Challenges and Implementations of Silicon Integration and Packaging in mmWave Radar and Communication Applications |
28/05/2019 |
Dr. Marco Di Renzo & Dr. Alessio Zappone -- 6Gwireless: Wireless Networks Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Environmental AI & Learning to Optimize in Smart Radio Environments |
27/05/2019 |
李佳翰副教授 -- Joint Design of Transmission-Recognition in Wireless Networks using Deep Neural Networks |
27/05/2019 |
張玲華助理教授 -- On the Maximum Size of Block Codes Subject to a Distance Criterion |
06/05/2019 |
貝蘇章教授 -- Digital Signal/Image Processing and Its Applications for Mathematics, Sport, Art and Weather |
29/04/2019 |
許冠文執行長 -- 2019 XR新創企業發展的機會與挑戰 |
08/04/2019 |
吳毅成教授 -- 深度強化式學習:遊戲到產業應用 |
01/04/2019 |
莊晴光名譽教授 -- Millimeter-Wave/THz Camera |
18/03/2019 |
朱煜煌博士 -- SDN/NFV未來發展及落實 |
13/03/2019 |
陳瑞云協理--新一代衛星通訊小型地面站簡介 |
11/03/2019 |
Prof. Dr. H (Haibin) Zhang---5G Development Status Update |
11/03/2019 |
韓永祥教授--Principal Pivot Transforms on Radix-2 DFT-like Matrices |
04/03/2019 |
許裕彬教授--Online Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Timely Information Downloads in Mobile Networks |
25/02/2019 |
余俊宏助理教授--The partial-inverse approach to decoding Reed-Solomon codes up to and beyond half the minimum distance |
25/02/2019 |
Prof. Pierre Moulin--Forgery Detectors for Adversarial Machine Learning |
23/01/2019 |
Prof. Vincent Y. F. Tan--Thompson Sampling for Cascading Bandits |
23/01/2019 |
Prof. Erik G. Larsson--Massive MIMO – lessons learned and the road ahead |
24/12/2018 |
汪世昌所長--從電信業看台灣在ABC(AI、Big Data、Cloud)的現況與機會 |
17/12/2018 |
Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu--Analyzing Big Visual Data in Global Network Cameras- Rethink Computer Vision & Research to Commercialization: (Almost) Everything You Know is Wrong |
14/12/2018 |
Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang--Recent Results on Image Segmentation and Style Transfer |
28/11/2018 |
陳文士組長--衛星通信發展概況 |
26/11/2018 |
陳志仁副總經理/李春怡顧問--國際創新應用服務發展趨勢暨推動作法分享 |
14/11/2018 |
劉逸穠經理--Challenges in EM simulation of Submicron Optical Devices in 3D solutions |
12/11/2018 |
李碩彥教授--似是而非的概率 (續集) |
31/10/2018 |
Matti Latva-aho --Radio Access Networking Challenges for 5G and Beyond |
29/10/2018 |
Prof. Nathalie RAVEU--Colloquium on Studying Abroad - The opportunity to obtain a degree from a partner university through the Double Degree Program |
17/10/2018 |
王淑靜專利師--專利實務及專利佈局 |
16/10/2018 |
Prof. Tony Q.S Quek--Spatiotemporal Modelling in Wireless Networks: Analysis & Applications |
15/10/2018 |
方凱田教授--Spatial Skeleton-enhanced Location Tracking for Indoor Localization |
08/10/2018 |
李彥寰助理教授--Towards Efficient Optimization with the Logarithmic Loss |
01/10/2018 |
林永隆清華講座教授--AI and Semiconductor |
17/09/2018 |
劉俊麟助理教授--Signal Processing on Sparse Arrays: Past, Present, and Future |
22/08/2018 |
Prof. Zhu Han--Big Data Analysis and Cross-Layer Optimization for Communication, Caching and Computing (C^3) Networks |
08/08/2018 |
Prof. Jinwoo Shin--Novelty Detection for Deep Classifiers |
26/07/2018 |
Dr. Kaushik Sengupta--Merging the worlds of Maxwell and Moore Complex mm-scale Nano-optical Systems to Programmable mm-Wave and THz Systems in Silicon |
11/07/2018 |
Dr. Zilong Liu -- Improved adaptive belief-propagation (ABP) decoding for high-density parity check codes |
10/07/2018 |
Prof. Mari Ostendorf -- Building a Socialbot: Lessons Learned from 10M Conversations |
11/06/2018 |
Prof. Shih-Chun Lin -- SoftAir: A Software-Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization Architecture for 5G&B Wireless Systems |
11/06/2018 |
吳沛遠教授 -- Machine Learning and Security |
06/06/2018 |
Mr. Rajeev Agrawal -- Machine Learning in 5G RAN |
28/05/2018 |
Prof. Weng Cho Chew -- Deep Multiscale, Characteristic Mode, Computational Imaging, and Quantum Effects Problems |
21/05/2018 |
蔡政翰教授 -- 應用於無線通訊之射頻功率放大器 |
18/05/2018 |
Dr. Dennis C.W. Lo -- 矽谷與創業 |
14/05/2018 |
卓桐華董事長 -- 工業4.0在臺灣電子工業的現況 |
30/04/2018 |
汪濤博士 -- 陣列雷達之發展與應用 |
20/04/2018 |
Dr. Kenichi Okada -- Millimeter-wave CMOS Transceiver for 60-GHz Wi-Fi, 5G Cellular and Future |
16/04/2018 |
Prof. Min-Hsiu Hsieh -- Next Generation of Computation |
09/04/2018 |
鄭秀玲教授 -- 資安不只是國安,更是大商機:以美國和以色列為例 |
14/03/2018 |
楊慶隆教授--無線充電技術應用與設計探究 |
12/03/2018 |
吳仁銘教授--Interference Coordination for Multi-cell MIMO Interference Networks |
05/03/2018 |
彭明輝教授--知識經濟時代的核心能力 - 從文獻回顧到批判與創新 |
23/02/2018 |
Dr. Zhiping Yang--Advanced Topics on Signal Integrity and Power Integrity |
27/12/2017 |
Prof. Philipp Krähenbühl--Learning from videos and video games |
25/12/2017 |
張鴻埜教授--Microwave and Millimeter-wave Systems, Integrated Circuits, and Applications |
25/12/2017 |
Prof. Yik-Chung Wu-- Advances in Machine Learning Techniques with Applications to Communications and Image Processing |
18/12/2017 |
Prof. Yunghsiang S. Han-- Novel FFT over Binary Finite Fields and Its Application to Reed Solomon Erasure Codes |
04/12/2017 |
王崇智博士--新世代創新創業的機會與挑戰 |
29/11/2017 |
Dr. Bhyrav Mutnury-- High Speed Server Signal Integrity Challenges |
27/11/2017 |
Dir. Gary Chang & Ivan Wang-- How to use machine learning to predict the stock market |
22/11/2017 |
林晃田博士-- 國家時頻標準之建立、維持與應用 |
20/11/2017 |
黃中于博士--從產品市場看科技發展趨勢 |
20/11/2017 |
Prof. Joseph Lim-- Visual Cognition for Interaction |
20/11/2017 |
李碩彥教授-- 似是而非的概率-Random Kingdom |
16/11/2017 |
Dr. Yang Li 李陽-- Reconfigurable RF PA in 5G with RF-SOI |
06/11/2017 |
陳志仁副總經理--下世代通訊技術發展之政策規劃 |
30/10/2017 |
毛敬豪博士 --資料科學下從明網到暗網的資安威脅情資分析 |
27/10/2017 |
106學年度台大電信所「電信卓越菁英培育專案」招生說明會 |
25/10/2017 |
洪崇庭副處長-- Practice of Mobile and Wearable Antenna Design |
18/10/2017 |
康庭維博士--天線設計與系統應用觀點談無線通訊 |
16/10/2017 |
02/10/2017 |
蔡作敏博士--博士班研究題目的尋找以及建構---由天線近場量測系統為例 |
30/09/2017 |
王蒞君教授--Learning-Based Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks in Dynamic Environments |
25/09/2017 |
王鈺強副教授--Computer Vision: What, When, and Why? |
11/09/2017 |
Dr. Min-Hsiu Hsieh-- Moderate and Large Deviation Analysis for C-Q Channel |
01/08/2017 |
Prof. Youngchul Sung -- User Scheduling and Beamformer Design in Massive MIMO and mmWave Massive MIMO |
31/07/2017 |
Several ways to confuse a jammer: The benefits of delays, stochastic encoding, and interference |
31/07/2017 |
Prof. Sidharth Jaggi--Several ways to confuse a jammer: The benefits of delays, stochastic encoding, and interference |
11/07/2017 |
Prof. K. J. Ray Liu-- Smart Radios for Smart Life |
12/06/2017 |
洪樂文教授 -- Sensor Deployment and Wireless Charging Strategies for Distributed Estimation in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks |
07/06/2017 |
Dr. Sudhakar Rao-- Advanced Antenna Systems for 21st Century Satellite Communication Payloads |
05/06/2017 |
賴以威博士 -- 我的博士求學之路 |
24/05/2017 |
張欣晴副總-- System in Package: The Time is NOW |
17/05/2017 |
張家榮經理-- 基地台遠程射頻頭端與小基站簡介 |
15/05/2017 |
Prof. Suhas N. Diggavi-- Foundations of Security in Cyber-Physical Systems |
10/05/2017 |
08/05/2017 |
05/08 演講:張以昀副總 -- 行動通訊與智慧型裝置產品趨勢介紹及創業歷程分享 |
01/05/2017 |
Dr. Y.-C. Frank Wang-- Deep Transfer Learning for Visual Data Analysis |
24/04/2017 |
饒仲華博士 -- 邁向5G大世紀 |
17/04/2017 |
Dr. Minghua Chen-- Energy-Efficient Dynamic Provisioning in Data Centers: The Benefit of Seeing the Future |
27/03/2017 |
楊奕軒博士--Machine Learning for Music Processing and Retrieval |
13/03/2017 |
藍文鈞董事長--多車道自由流ETC晶片及系統開發及製造 |
08/03/2017 |
馬自莊教授-- Innovative ways to integrate antennas with microwave circuit components |
08/03/2017 |
馬自莊教授-- Innovative ways to integrate antennas with microwave circuit components |
21/02/2017 |
Prof. Leonardo Badia-- 系列演講 |
20/02/2017 |
Prof. Rob N. Candler -- Controlling Magnetism from the Milli- to Nano-scale |
26/12/2016 |
Dr. Tom Hou-- Exploring New Performance Envelope of Wireless Networks |
19/12/2016 |
Prof. Rose Qingyang Hu-- Key Wireless Access Technologies in 5G and IoT Systems |
19/12/2016 |
鄭育鎔主任、蔣益庭技術經理--AR/VR 智慧穿戴應用服務案例分享 |
12/12/2016 |
Dr. Yi Hsuan (宣毅博士)-- User Coexistence in the US CBRS Band |
05/12/2016 |
楊文豪所長--行動通信技術發展現況 |
30/11/2016 |
施智元經理--半導體封裝簡介與特性 |
21/11/2016 |
楊正任博士--雲端通訊的產業發展趨勢 |
07/11/2016 |
梁明喬協理--數位金融之數位行銷與大數據應用 |
26/10/2016 |
郭李瑞博士--大型基地台天線發展近況與趨勢 |
24/10/2016 |
Hao Tang-- End-to-End Training Approaches for Discriminative Segmental Models |
24/10/2016 |
Prof. Jim Woodcock--Unifying Theories of Programming |
19/10/2016 |
蔡青霖博士--奇景光電之產品基礎技術處介紹暨顯示器之驅動IC於EMC的技術與發展 |
12/10/2016 |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Robert H. Caverly-- RF Aspects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
03/10/2016 |
Dr. Pin-Yu Chen--Graph Data Analytics for Data Science and Cyber Security |
03/10/2016 |
Prof. Junmin Wang--Vehicle Driving Safety and Energy Efficiency Enhancements by V2X-Incorporated Controls |
19/09/2016 |
莊炳湟院士--勤研究慎發表 - 漫談學術工作的影響與挑戰 |
19/09/2016 |
Prof. Yu-Chih Huang--Construction π A Lattices: A Review and Recent Results |
24/08/2016 |
IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecture Series |
13/07/2016 |
Prof. Chung-Tse Michael Wu--Active Integrated Metamaterial-Based Antennas and Microwave Components |
07/07/2016 |
Prof. Zhi Ding--Modulation Design Optimizations in Visible Light Communications |
15/06/2016 |
黃明漢董事長--利用雲端科技轉型與開創市場利基 |
06/06/2016 |
冀泰石博士--Biologically Inspired Spectro-Temporal Modulation Analysis for Speech Processing |
06/06/2016 |
Prof. Chin-Ya Huang --Seamless Content Delivery in Next-Generation Wireless Networks |
25/05/2016 |
薛吉順博士--看不見的新戰略--談電磁頻譜運籌 |
23/05/2016 |
王卓民博士--行行出狀元:你所不知道的連接器與線纜 |
16/05/2016 |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Earl McCune -- Embrace Circuit Nonlinearity to get Transmitter Linearity and Energy Efficiency |
27/04/2016 |
黃裕津博士--Radio Engineers in Astronomical Research |
25/04/2016 |
蔡燈城博士--第五代行動通信(5G)技術發展趨勢與挑戰 |
18/04/2016 |
Professor Yi Qian--Wireless Network Modeling and Simulations |
11/04/2016 |
吳東義博士-- 80GHz被動元件:E-band點對點通訊機的關鍵組件 |
11/04/2016 |
蘇黎博士--Sound and Music Technology of the Next Generation: Automatic Music Transcription and Beyond |
06/04/2016 |
Prof. Yik-Chung Wu--Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: from Traditional Estimation Theory to Distributed Signal Processing |
30/03/2016 |
蔡宜學博士--5G standardization-From New Services and Markets Technology Enablers (SMARTER) to Next Generation System Architecture and Next Generation New Radio Access Technology |
21/03/2016 |
Professor David Taubman -- Image and Video Compression for Efficient Interactive Access |
16/03/2016 |
方力行博士--Phase transitions of error probabilities for coding over communication networks |
14/03/2016 |
黃紹倫博士--An Information-Centric Approach to Data Analytics: The New Era to Information Theory, Machine Learning and Signal Processing |
02/03/2016 |
蘇黎博士--Sound and Music Technology of the Next Generation: Automatic Music Transcription and Beyond |
22/02/2016 |
莊晴光博士-- THz Electronics and System Integration |
18/01/2016 |
Prof. K. J. Ray Liu-- Why Time-Reversal for Future 5G Wireless? |
08/01/2016 |
Dr.Nicola Laurenti--Message authentication mechanisms at the physical layer |
16/12/2015 |
張欣晴 博士--Co-Design of High Density Heterogeneous Sip |
09/12/2015 |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Dale Becker -- Considerations for Advancing Technology in Computer System Packaging |
07/12/2015 |
工研院--Some Cool Projects in ITRI's Information and Communications Labs (ICL) |
02/12/2015 |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer: Prof. Herbert Zirath -- Design of Millimetre-wave Multifunction Integrated Circuits for Data Communication and Remote Sensing Applications |
23/11/2015 |
資策會--5G MTC產業趨勢與技術挑戰 |
16/11/2015 |
Mr. Henry Koren--Imaging Challenges 2015 |
09/11/2015 |
華碩--Electromagnetic Interference and Signal/Power Integrity in High-Speed Electronic Circuits (高速電路之訊號/電源完整性與電磁干擾) |
02/11/2015 |
瑞昱半導體--The Challenges and Opportunities for CMOS IC Design in the Future |
26/10/2015 |
Prof. Paul E. Debevec - Advances in Photoreal Digital Humans in Film and in Real-Time |
21/10/2015 |
臺大電信所「電信卓越菁英培育專案」攬才招生說明會 |
12/10/2015 |
WNC--4G/5G Mobile Comm. from Moore's and Cooper's Law (從Moore與Cooper定理看4G/5G行動通信) |
21/09/2015 |
聯發科技--Applications on Smart Phone and Wearable Devices; Technology & Standardization in 5G Communication |
21/09/2015 |
【9/21 聯發科技演講訊息】臺大電信所104學年度「電信卓越菁英培育專案」攬才招生活動開跑 |
02/09/2015 |
Distributed Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) Mixers for Wideband Receiver Front-End at Sub-millimeter Wavelengths |
11/08/2015 |
楊振邦教授演講與座談 |
14/07/2015 |
[歡迎報名參加] 2015 IEEE Distinguished Lecture -- Towards Greener Smartphones with Microwave Measurements |
07/07/2015 |
A Common Information Based Multiple Access Protocol Achieving Full Throughput and Linear Delay |
15/06/2015 |
丁邦安博士--To Beyond 4G Mobile Communication and 5G |
01/06/2015 |
陳弘仁博士--現今通訊科技及產業趨勢 |
27/05/2015 |
林鴻兒工程副理--漫談RF模組組裝 |
22/05/2015 |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer: Dr. Xiaoning Ye -- VR Switching Noises in Computer Systems - Coupling Mechanisms and Mitigation Approaches |
20/05/2015 |
Prof. Hsi-Tseng Chou--Electrically Large Antenna Design for the Applications of Near-field Communications |
18/05/2015 |
紀佩綾助理教授-- Dual-Band Coupler with Enhanced Design Capabilities |
11/05/2015 |
Prof. I-Hong Hou--Rethinking Competitive-Ratio: Two Case Studies |
04/05/2015 |
黃傑超博士--通訊產業趨勢與經驗分享 |
30/04/2015 |
2015通訊大賽校園巡迴說明會 |
20/04/2015 |
王家男專案經理--動態頻譜分享國際發展現況 |
16/04/2015 |
Big Data Workshop |
13/04/2015 |
Dr. Huifang Sun - Overview of video coding |
10/04/2015 |
第二屆次世代行動網路聯盟(春季論壇) |
30/03/2015 |
賈文康博士--新世代資料中心網路設計與營運支援管理系統 |
30/03/2015 |
25/03/2015 |
萬幸仁技術處長--Ultra-Low-Power Technologies for Internet-of-Things? |
23/03/2015 |
許雅惠助理教授--過去的多重面貌 |
18/03/2015 |
謝秉璇教授--Interface Designs for RF and Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting |
16/03/2015 |
Director EJ Chiang-TVWS: Market,Business and Technology |
11/03/2015 |
葉世晃經理--聯發科技之天線設計技術能量 |
04/03/2015 |
邱煥凱教授--Transmission Line Transformers for Integrated Passive Devices (IPD) and Silicon-Based Integrated Circuits |
02/03/2015 |
戎博斗副總經理-- DRAM簡介及產業之未來發展 |
29/12/2014 |
李建成副總經理--高頻與高速電路板之未來趨勢 |
25/12/2014 |
Prof. KitIan Kou--Quaternion Linear Canonical Transform and Applications |
17/12/2014 |
吳秉勳博士--微波動作感測器之生理監測應用 |
10/12/2014 |
心靈激盪饗宴-與傑出校友張懋中校長面對面 (電話預約報名) |
10/12/2014 |
馬進國博士--第五世代無線通訊系統簡介 |
08/12/2014 |
張權德博士--主機板–產業特色、挑戰與未來發展 |
01/12/2014 |
李宏毅博士--Spoken Content Retrieval - Beyond Cascading Speech Recognition with Text Retrieval |
01/12/2014 |
Prof. Koichi Ito--Medical Applications of Microwave Antennas |
01/12/2014 |
Prof. Tapan K. Sarkar--The Physics and Mathematics of Cellular Wireless Propagation |
01/12/2014 |
Dr.Ching-Yi Lai-- A Glimpse of the future: Quantum Computing |
01/12/2014 |
Prof. Raj Mittra--The exciting worLd of future communications |
25/11/2014 |
The Emerging 5G System- Architectures, Protocols, Vision |
19/11/2014 |
張文堯技術智財協理--車用網路技術發展與應用趨勢 |
18/11/2014 |
許清煌博士--The Past, Present and Future of Satellite Communications |
17/11/2014 |
楊正任博士--移動互聯網之技術及市場趨勢 |
17/11/2014 |
鄭匡宇先生--一開口就擄獲人心的說話術-14招克服演講恐懼 |
10/11/2014 |
Prof. Minoru Fujishima--Ultrahigh-Frequency CMOS Design for Terahertz Era |
03/11/2014 |
闕志克博士--The Next Chapter of ICT Research |
03/11/2014 |
周輝啟總經理--為自己捏一顆小雪球 提早滾動財富人生 |
24/10/2014 |
Prof. Jun Fan--Advanced De-Embedding Techniques for High Frequency Measurements in Digital Applications |
20/10/2014 |
林立傑博士 -- 磨課師發展趨勢與智慧校園產業推動 |
20/10/2014 |
楊瑞祥技術長--物聯網與智慧城市(智慧聯網)資通訊產業的下一波大潮流 |
08/10/2014 |
陳瓊璋經理--mmWave for 5G Ultra Dense Network |
06/10/2014 |
張李傳資深副總 -- 無線通訊古今談 |
22/09/2014 |
Mr. Marc Anthony -- Content Design and Cognitive Style |
17/09/2014 |
Dr. Bhyrav Mutnury--High Speed Server Signal Integrity Challenges |
07/08/2014 |
Mr. Rich Kennedy -- i) TV White Spaces and 802.11af, ii) Regulatory/spectrum policy issues and FCC open items |
23/07/2014 |
Prof. Minoru Fujishima -- Ultrahigh-Frequency CMOS Design for Terahertz Era |
09/06/2014 |
林一平副校長 -- 漢明的研究理念 (You and Your Research) |
09/06/2014 |
張永昌博士 -- New paradigms for electronic toll collection: the experience of Taiwan |
05/06/2014 |
Prof. J. Stephen Downie -- The Evolution of an Scientific Evaluation Campaign: Past and Future Challenges of MIREX |
26/05/2014 |
Prof. Hynek Hermansky -- Deep, Long and Wide Artificial Neural Networks in Processing of Speech |
26/05/2014 |
Prof. Mihaela van der Schaar -- Overview of Research Activities at UCLA Networks, Economics, Communication Systems, Informatics and Multimedia Research Lab |
21/05/2014 |
湯嘉倫技術長--天線技術趨勢介紹 |
19/05/2014 |
王文俊院長 -- 中大電機的機器人世界 |
19/05/2014 |
黃健博士 -- 進擊的健康人~談如何增"進"自我強度&"擊"倒學業壓力 |
12/05/2014 |
陳昭儀教授 -- 創意與生活 |
09/05/2014 |
Prof. H. Sama Nwana -- Telecommunications, Media and Technology (TMT) for Developing Economies |
08/05/2014 |
Prof. Shuo-Yen Robert Li李碩彥博士–數學與工程的對話 A Dialogue between Mathematics and Engineering |
05/05/2014 |
Dr. Sunlai Chang -- Opportunities from CSP (Cloud Service Provider) Infrastructure Paradigm Shift |
05/05/2014 |
張純吉心理師 -- 研究生常見的感情困擾 |
30/04/2014 |
曾斌祺經理--漫談RF電路設計 |
30/04/2014 |
Prof. Bumman Kim--Advanced Linear PAs for Handset Applications |
28/04/2014 |
蔡智恆教授 -- 一個理工學生的創作之路 |
24/04/2014 |
Prof. Anna Scaglione -- Sensor Networks For Sustainable Infrastructures |
23/04/2014 |
陳國丞博士--手持式裝置天線設計的挑戰與機會 |
21/04/2014 |
李大嵩董事長 -- 通訊傳播產業與政策漫談 |
09/04/2014 |
無線通訊及高速數位傳輸研發流程的電路設計介紹 |
08/04/2014 |
Dr. Russell Sun -- Unified Performance Analyses of Digital Communication over Fading Channels |
07/04/2014 |
陳毓文教授 -- 什麼是社工?助人與社會改革的專業 |
07/04/2014 |
張世彗教授 -- 科技與人類行為之交織與糾葛- 談行為改變理論/技術之運用 |
31/03/2014 |
周保羅博士 -- 智慧系統服務 在ICT產業的價值創造 |
24/03/2014 |
郭景明教授 -- 以數位半色調研究為題: 如何構築寬廣研究思路 |
24/03/2014 |
葉丙成教授--如何讓學生真正有熱情與動機「學習」?-- 教學新思維、新方法、新系統 |
17/03/2014 |
謝和霖秘書長 -- 打破窠臼 共創永續未來 |
10/03/2014 |
劉致宏顧問 -- 專利的故事 |
24/02/2014 |
林基興博士 -- 反安慰劑效應(nocebo effects)------電磁輻射的健康效應 |
10/01/2014 |
Prof. Zhi Ning Chen -- Substrate-Integrated mmW Antennas at 60-270 GHz |
03/01/2014 |
Prof. Moe Win -- Network Localization and Navigation |
30/12/2013 |
Prof. Kit Ian Kou -- Prolate Spheroidal Wave Quaternion Signals |
25/12/2013 |
微波工程師的好朋友--AWR Design Environment 最新發展及產業應用 |
23/12/2013 |
劉軍廷所長 -- Integration of Emerging Technologies |
18/12/2013 |
Prof. Jenshan Lin---“IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques–the Transition”and “Volunteering in MTT Society” |
17/12/2013 |
Prof. Vincent Lau -- Cached-Induced Opportunistic Cooperative MIMO: A new Paradigm for Content Access Wireless Networks |
16/12/2013 |
Prof. Zygmunt J. Haas -- Security of Big Data |
12/12/2013 |
Dr. Guan Yong-Liang -- Coding for Some Unusual Channels |
09/12/2013 |
Prof. Tony Q.S. Quek -- Rethinking Small Cell Networks for 5G |
09/12/2013 |
潘建成先生 -- Driven to Success - The Road to Build a $1B Company |
04/12/2013 |
黃明智協理--通訊測試技術的最新進展與產品認證實務上的挑戰 |
02/12/2013 |
曾慶龍處長 -- IT 應用趨勢分享 |
25/11/2013 |
Prof. Chih-Chun Wang -- Multi-Unicast Capacity of Packet-Level Network Coding on Small Wireless Networks |
20/11/2013 |
林正國博士 -- 砷化鎵半導體製程技術在微波產品之應用 |
18/11/2013 |
黃鍔院士 -- What is Frequency? |
18/11/2013 |
朱靜美教授 -- 「拉奇」與好萊塢早期動畫的動作設計美學 |
11/11/2013 |
歐麗娟教授 -- 天才的綻放與幻滅─從李白的「自處」與「處世」談起 |
04/11/2013 |
Prof. Ezio Biglieri -- MIMO Transmission: Capacities and space-time codes |
28/10/2013 |
黃佑華先生 -- 如何讓成功更接近你 |
23/10/2013 |
陳瓊璋經理--漫談行動通信發展 |
21/10/2013 |
Mr. David Yep & Mr. William Wang -- API Economy-How Amazon Changes the World |
16/10/2013 |
郭維德副理--SI/PI/EMC Design Challenges in Image Display IC Industries |
14/10/2013 |
Dr. Ying-Chang Liang -- Cognitive Wireless Networks: Enabling 5G Mobile Communications |
14/10/2013 |
Prof. Kung Yao -- A Super-Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation Methodology |
30/09/2013 |
段亞新臨床心理師 -- 走一條英雄之路 |
26/09/2013 |
09/26 演講: Prof. Bing-Li Jiao -- A High Spectral Efficiency System Enabled by Free Window Duplexing |
18/09/2013 |
Dr.Te-Kao Wu--From Cloaking of Conducting Cylinder to RCS Reduction/Enhancement |
16/09/2013 |
馮明惠所長 -- Internet of Things: Multi-Stakeholders' Views on Taiwan's opportunities |
12/09/2013 |
Mr. Jeffrey Yan & Dr. Amer Hassan -- Towards an Inclusive Global Village: Connecting the Other Billions |
09/09/2013 |
歡迎踴躍報名參加】 102.9.28 The Second Brainstorm Workshop on Wireless 5G (2013 無線5G技術交流研討會) |
02/09/2013 |
[2013 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座] Prof. Takashi Ohira -- Wireless Power Transfer via Wheels to Running Electric Vehicles |
09/08/2013 |
Prof. I-Hong Hou -- Providing Incentives for Wireless Peer-to-Peer Networks |
10/06/2013 |
Dr. Yeong-Wei Andy Wu (吳勇為) -- Kalman Filter Applications - My Own Experience |
03/06/2013 |
Dr. Cheng-Foo Chen 陳正夫 -- Smarter and Safer Vehicles |
03/06/2013 |
程世嘉先生--Prepare Yourself for a Career as a Software Engineer |
27/05/2013 |
王育雯所長 -- 音樂、生命能量,與幸福感 |
20/05/2013 |
陳學志教授---HAHA 與 AHHA─談幽默中的創意與創意中的幽默 |
17/05/2013 |
Prof. Raj Mittra--Some Recent Developments in the Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Efficient Solution of Radiation and Scattering Problems |
15/05/2013 |
蔡甲文經理--微波點對點傳輸設備應用及最新技術發展 |
13/05/2013 |
許祐群、張植康---二百公斤的冒險──跟著一群瘋子踏上柬埔寨 |
06/05/2013 |
郭道仁先生─與環境實際對話 |
06/05/2013 |
孫聰敏副總裁 -- 行動通訊發展趨勢及挑戰 |
01/05/2013 |
林秉勳博士--Cognitive Radios in TV White Space |
29/04/2013 |
電信所所長時間 |
23/04/2013 |
[2013 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座] Prof. J. C. Chiao -- Implantable Wireless Medical Devices and Systems |
22/04/2013 |
Dr. Masataka Goto -- Frontiers of Music Technologies: Active Music Listening Interfaces and Singing Synthesis Systems |
22/04/2013 |
歐麗娟教授--自我與超越─詩詞與紅樓夢中的人生觀 |
08/04/2013 |
劉威志先生─創業甘苦談-跨領域的學習與夢想的實踐 |
08/04/2013 |
鄭開宏特助、吳彥良主任工程師 -- 次世代無線射頻辨識解決方案-如何將大量讀取辨識科技進化到單一物品等級 |
30/03/2013 |
陳銘憲教授─Information Processing in Social Networks |
27/03/2013 |
Prof. Emmanuel Candes--From Compressive Sensing to Super-Resolution |
27/03/2013 |
Prof. Luca Daniel--Simulation, Modeling and Optimization for Complex Systems |
25/03/2013 |
Prof. Jin-Fa Lee -- Next Generation Computer Simulations for Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Engineering Applications |
20/03/2013 |
張欣晴副總經理--從智慧手機微小化看電磁的挑戰與機會 |
11/03/2013 |
Prof Sankaranarayanan—Breaking the Resolution Limits of Sensors: Compressive Sensing of High-dimensional Visual Signals |
11/03/2013 |
張嘉淵技術長 -- Qmulus |
09/03/2013 |
【歡迎參與】第三屆智慧生活種子師資培訓營暨成果發表會(3/1截止報名) |
09/03/2013 |
[投稿延至2/27]敬邀參加「2013 Taiwan Spring School on Information Theory and Communications」 |
06/03/2013 |
周錫增教授--多頻、多衛星天線設計與應用 |
25/02/2013 |
吳嘉苓教授--科技渴望社會•科技渴望民主 |
25/02/2013 |
周子勤先生—葡萄酒與生活 |
07/01/2013 |
朱文儀主任--企業知識產業這一行 |
24/12/2012 |
吳佩玲經理-- 認識自己..總總可能 |
10/12/2012 |
張宏哲 教授-- 從「懼老」「怕老」到「迎老」「靠老」:迎接高齡化社會來臨的二三事 |
03/12/2012 |
Prof. Tatsuo Itoh -- Leaky Wave Antennas Based on Transmission Line Metamaterials |
26/11/2012 |
楊正利董事長 -- 創業經驗分享 |
26/11/2012 |
林佳範教授-- 人權,是什麼? |
12/11/2012 |
張縱輝教授 -- Distributed Robust Multi-Cell Coordinated Beamforming with Imperfect CSI: An ADMM Approach |
12/11/2012 |
周子勤先生--工程師 主管 葡萄酒 |
07/11/2012 |
Ghery S. Pettit-- CISPR Standards for ITE |
03/11/2012 |
呂學士教授 -- 無線醫療電子微晶片 |
29/10/2012 |
張垂弘副總經理 -- Energy Efficiency for Smart Device |
27/10/2012 |
魏宏宇教授-- Cross-Layer Design for MIMO in WiFi and WiMAX |
15/10/2012 |
蔡永文院長 -- 從音樂藝術的感動來探討服務的人生觀 |
15/10/2012 |
呂世浩教授--中國史學經典中的智慧─以《史記》為例 |
12/10/2012 |
[2012 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座] Prof. Christian Schuster -- Physics and Modeling of Vias in Printed Circuit Boards |
08/10/2012 |
Prof. James Yu 余子吉教授-- Researches on Security Protection of Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) |
06/10/2012 |
Prof. James Yu -- Towards Automation of Network Configuration Management |
01/10/2012 |
葉寅夫董事長 -- 節能減碳新「視」界 -- 淺談 LED 照明 |
24/09/2012 |
陳介山局長 -- 智慧產業之標準檢測與驗證發展策略 |
24/09/2012 |
Prof. Ezio Biglieri-- User Prioritization in Wireless using Spectrum Pooling and Interference Alignment |
29/08/2012 |
【歡迎報名參加】101.8.28-29臺灣中歐雙邊資通訊研討會 (IVF-Taiwan ICT Workshop) |
26/07/2012 |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座: Multiphysics Method for High-Power Electromagnetics |
23/07/2012 |
黃正能教授-- Automated Human Tracking and Behavior Analyses in Large Scale Camera Networks |
05/07/2012 |
歡迎踴躍參加∼4th NTU/KAIST Workshop on Signal Integrity and EMC |
06/06/2012 |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座: Soft Magnetic Thin Film Applications at Radio Frequencies |
04/06/2012 |
單驥教授 -- 生活、經濟與政策 |
30/05/2012 |
Mr. Peter Lemmens-- Disruptive Technologies for the future generation of multifunctional smart systems |
28/05/2012 |
黃志煒 教授-- An Opportunistic Approach for Video Over Cognitive Radio Networks |
28/05/2012 |
黃肇雄董事長 -- What Makes the Engineering Talents in Next Generation? |
26/05/2012 |
Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen 陳彥光博士-- Challenges and Opportunities of Internet of Things |
25/05/2012 |
Prof. Donald Y.C. Lie-- Design of Si-Based High-Efficiency RF Power Amplifiers and Transmitters Using Envelope-Tracking for Mobile Broadband Wireless Communications |
19/05/2012 |
蔡作敏教授 -- 毫米波高速通訊系統的優勢與挑戰 |
14/05/2012 |
Prof. Fred B. H. Juang 莊炳湟院士-- Machine Learning for Problem Solving |
14/05/2012 |
林志勳組長--我國綠能產業發展現況與挑戰 |
07/05/2012 |
Dr. I-Hsiang Wang 王奕翔博士-- Cooperative Interference Management in Wireless Networks |
30/04/2012 |
高甫仁教授 -- Coming Opportunities for Nonlinear Optical Microscopy - with focus on molecular dynamics imaging |
30/04/2012 |
曹昱博士 -- Some Challenges and Recent Advances in Speech Technology |
25/04/2012 |
柯智偉 處長-- 手機晶片與基頻處理器設計的挑戰 |
23/04/2012 |
Prof. Pei-Jung Chung -- Signal Detection in Sensor Array Processing: A Multiple Hypothesis Testing Approach |
16/04/2012 |
朱祁欣副理-- 關於專利二三事 |
16/04/2012 |
曾煜棋院長--Body Sensing : Some Data Processing Techniques |
11/04/2012 |
詹益仁 所長-- 由Apple談台灣的產業 |
09/04/2012 |
Prof. Chee Wei Tan-- Advances in Optimal Power Control |
02/04/2012 |
劉黎兒小姐 -- 從人文思考來探討核災、核電的真相 |
31/03/2012 |
呂學士教授--Microchips for Medical Electronics |
28/03/2012 |
牛志升副院長-- 能效與資源優化的超蜂窩體系新架構 |
24/03/2012 |
【3月24日(六)】李夏新經理--Status and Development of Telematics Technology |
21/03/2012 |
毛紹綱教授 -- Recent Advances in Metamterials and Microwave Circuits for Wireless Applications |
19/03/2012 |
3/19 演講:Prof Sun-Yuan Kung (貢三元教授) -- Training and Classification Efficiencies of Kernel Methods: From Regression Analysis to Machine Learning |
19/03/2012 |
3/19 演講:Prof. Armand M. Makowski -- On the Random Pairwise Key Predistribution Scheme of Chan et al. |
14/03/2012 |
3/14演講:Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan--Multi-scale and Multi-physics Modeling: Their Role in 3D Integration |
05/03/2012 |
3/5 演講:Dr. Min-Hsiu Hsieh--Quantum Rate Distortion, Reverse Shannon Theorems, and Source-channel Separation |
05/03/2012 |
3/5演講:陳建中教授 -- A Human Vision Model for Image Quality Assessment |
03/02/2012 |
2/29 演講:Dr. John H. Lau--Recent Advances and New Trends in Nanotechnology and 3D Integration for Semiconductor Industry |
02/01/2012 |
1/9 演講:陳曉華教授--Chip-Level Space-Time Coding for Next Generation MIMO Systems |
22/12/2011 |
1/4 演講:Qiang Chen--Modulated Scattering Technique in EM Measurement and Multi-Antenna Construction |
20/12/2011 |
12/21 演講:Kaushik Sengupta--Bridging the 'THz' gap: Fully Integrated Large Scale THz Circuits and Systems in Silicon |
16/12/2011 |
12/23 演講:Dr. Chaoming Song--Scaling Theory in Complex Networks and Human Mobility |
15/12/2011 |
12/26 演講:胡紀如教授--Development of Eco-friendly Green Chemical Products |
13/12/2011 |
12/28演講:林本堅院士--Scope and Limit of Lithography Till the End of Moore's Law |
08/12/2011 |
12/19演講:Prof. Truong Nguyen -- Three grand problems in 3D video processing research: Disparity estimation, view synthesis and quality metric |
08/12/2011 |
12/16演講:Green Wireless Communications:A Time-Reversal Paradigm |
05/12/2011 |
12/12 演講:陳垣崇院士--Genomic Medicine to Improve Patient Care and Safety: From Laboratory to Clinic and to Hollywood |
28/11/2011 |
12/5演講:Prof. Sen-ching Samson Cheung-- From Magic mirror to Autism: using computational multimedia for video self-modeling therapy |
21/11/2011 |
11/28 演講:石木標副總經理--數位匯流下行動寬頻服務之發展與挑戰 |
14/11/2011 |
11/30 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:Microwave Near-Field Imaging of Human Tissue: Hopes, Challenges, Outlook |
14/11/2011 |
11/21演講:紀緯祥 經理-- 如何樂在工作? 職涯規劃討論 |
08/11/2011 |
11/16 演講:謝宗瑩協理 -- 微波工程師要知道的十件事 |
07/11/2011 |
11/14 演講:胡正明院士 -- What I Know about Innovation |
31/10/2011 |
11/11演講:Prof. Jörn Ostermann-- Video Processing |
26/10/2011 |
11/2 演講:Dr. Jian Mao--The Innovations for Radio Technology in |
20/10/2011 |
10/31 演講:簡立峰總經理--Opportunities and Technology Challenges for Search Engines in the Mobile Internet |
13/10/2011 |
10/24演講:Prof. Rong Zheng--Large-scale Monitoring and Diagnosis for Wireless Co-Existence |
11/10/2011 |
10/19 演講:Dr. Dale Becker -- Electromagnetic Modeling and Channel Simulation in Computer System Design |
05/10/2011 |
10/17 演講:舒維都教授--Innovation: An MIT CSAIL Perspective |
04/10/2011 |
10/5演講:蔡明機博士--微波技術的應用與整合 |
03/10/2011 |
10/17演講:林靖茹博士--Random Access Heterogeneous MIMO Networks |
15/09/2011 |
9/28演講:童玉瑋總工程師 -- 突圍─全球化的商機與競爭中的微波創業 |
15/09/2011 |
9/26演講:唐鼎強副處長--行動通往未來- 行動通訊裝置的技術趨勢 |
15/09/2011 |
9/21演講:Prof. Deborah Estrin-- Participatory mHealth: Opportunities and Challenges |
08/09/2011 |
9/26 演講:蘇國賢教授 -- 社會學中的社會網路分析 |
07/09/2011 |
9/28 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:Multiport Vector Network Analyzer --from the beginning to modern signal integrity applications |
22/07/2011 |
7/29演講: Prof. Ramesh Raskar -- Future of Imaging and Photography: from low cost medical devices to cameras that can Look around corners |
19/07/2011 |
8/3演講: Prof. Ali Hajimiri -- Holistic Circuits for Future High Frequency IC's |
18/07/2011 |
8/8演講: Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo-- Introduction to Next Generation Video Coding Standard: HEVC |
21/06/2011 |
7/1演講:Prof. Mrityunjoy Chakraborty-- A SPT Treatment to the Realization of Sign-LMS Based Adaptive Filters |
09/06/2011 |
6/15演講:Prof. Neville C. Luhmann, Jr.--Millimeter Wave and THz Technology Developmentsfor Ultra Wideband Communications, Radar, Active Denial, and Magnetic Fusion Plasma Imaging |
24/05/2011 |
5/30 演講:平雲發行人 -- 從預言家日報到出版業的未來 |
19/05/2011 |
【5月25日(三)截止報名】電信所所長時間 |
18/05/2011 |
5/25演講:郭維德博士-- EMC Design Challenges in Future Image Display IC Development |
18/05/2011 |
5/23演講:Prof. Chih-Chun Wang-- "Exotic" Routing Protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks |
12/05/2011 |
5/23 演講:陳彥光博士 -- Benefits and Challenges of Multi-Core Architectures |
11/05/2011 |
5/18 演講:鄧震球資深協理 --The Challenges and Opportunities of Electrical Validation |
27/04/2011 |
5/11演講:Dr. Hsin-Chin Chang -- 從智慧手機微小化看電磁的挑戰與機會 |
25/04/2011 |
5/2 演講:姚孟肇所長 -- The Dynamic Genome |
21/04/2011 |
5/2演講:廖弘源 博士-- Some Recently Developed Video Processing and Search Methods |
18/04/2011 |
4/27演講:Dr. Stéphane Mallat -- Invariant Image Classification by Multiscale Scattering |
14/04/2011 |
4/25演講:曾煜棋 副院長-- 體感 (Body Sensing) |
12/04/2011 |
4/18 演講:黃明三處長 -- Innovation @ HTC MAGIC Labs |
11/04/2011 |
4/16演講:林丁丙博士-- Radio Receiver Architectures |
29/03/2011 |
4/11 演講:李世光執行長 -- 從Serendipity看跨領域團隊建立與開放創新研究 |
21/03/2011 |
3/30演講:詹長庚博士-- 從拋物面到4G- 談北美衛星電視技術的演進 |
09/03/2011 |
3/16 演講:蔡作敏博士-- Development of a Bee Tracking Radar System |
09/03/2011 |
3/14演講:黃能富教授-- Cloud-Based Video Streaming Service Platform with Scalable Video Coding |
07/03/2011 |
3/14 演講:李紀珠副主委 -- 金融海嘯後臺灣金融產業發展之前景 |
03/03/2011 |
3/7 演講:金傳春教授 -- 資訊如何促進大眾健康及其未來願景 |
02/03/2011 |
3/9演講:Prof. Kazuya Kobayashi -- Radar Cross Section of Parallel-Plate Waveguide Cavities with Material Loading |
01/03/2011 |
3/7演講:李佳翰博士-- Stochastic Geometry for Wireless Networks |
11/01/2011 |
1/14演講:Dr. Julius C. Shu 許清煌博士-- Systems Engineering Roles on the Development of GPS System |
05/01/2011 |
1/18演講:謝明修博士-- Quantum Communication: What You Can Do With A Quantum Channel |
28/12/2010 |
1/5演講:許壽國 博士-- Technology Trends Related to SI/PI/EMC in Real World |
22/12/2010 |
12/27演講:丁建均教授-- Integer-to-Integer Transform |
21/12/2010 |
12/27演講:陳信宏院長 -- 中文語音韻律模型之建立及其應用 |
21/12/2010 |
光纖通訊與寬頻全球網路 — 向 2009 諾貝爾物理桂冠高錕教授致敬 |
14/12/2010 |
12/22演講:黃懷慎副總經理-- 無線微波系統的民生應用與產業發展趨勢 |
14/12/2010 |
12/20、12/21演講:李碩彥博士 -- Network coding - A dialogue between math & engineering |
10/12/2010 |
12/20演講:葉素玲教授 -- Multisensory Perception:Space, Time and Consciousness |
07/12/2010 |
12/13演講:朱國瑞教授 -- 高功率微波-過去及現在 |
02/12/2010 |
12/13演講:鄭傑 教授-- Constructions of Optical Queues With a Limited Number of Recirculations |
19/11/2010 |
11/29演講:李明 所長 -- 電磁脈衝概念與防護 |
19/11/2010 |
11/29演講:Prof. Victor C.M. Leung -- Advances in Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks |
15/11/2010 |
11/23(二) 電磁波健康效應研討會 |
15/11/2010 |
11/22演講:楊雅筑 處長-- Get connected anywhere– 行動通訊軟體開發的挑戰與未來 |
08/11/2010 |
11/25 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:The Exotic World of Metamaterials and its Relevance to EMI/EMC Engineers |
05/11/2010 |
歡迎報名參加 11.23(二) 電磁波健康效應研討會 |
03/11/2010 |
99.11.03 Prof. Tatsuo Itoh 演講簡報 |
01/11/2010 |
11/8演講:李克昭所長 -- Liquid Association and Multivariate Analysis of Complex Data |
19/10/2010 |
10/25演講:楊瑪利 女士 -- 新台灣之光100 |
18/10/2010 |
10/20演講:Prof. Daniel Costello--LDPC Convolutional Codes: Approaching the Shannon Limit with Structured Irregularity |
18/10/2010 |
11/3演講:Prof. Tatsuo Itoh -- Dual and Circularly Polarized Composite Right/Left-Handed Leaky Wave Antenna |
12/10/2010 |
10/18演講:Prof. Kuo-Chu Chang 張郭竹 教授-- Volatility Smile – On Option Pricing and Trading Strategies |
04/10/2010 |
10/11演講:曾永華 院長 -- Carbon Electronics and Beyond |
04/10/2010 |
10/11演講:洪樂文 教授-- Secret Communications in the Physical Layer-- Limited Feedback and Channel Estimation Issues |
20/09/2010 |
10/1演講:Prof. Qun Wu 吳群 教授-- Recent Research Activities of EMC, Antennas and Microwaves in Harbin Institute of Technology |
20/09/2010 |
9/24演講:Prof. Kwo Ray Chu 朱國瑞教授-- The Electron Cyclotron Maser |
17/09/2010 |
9/27演講:林智仁教授-- An Introduction to Machine Learning Research |
13/09/2010 |
9/20演講:林基興博士-- 電磁波的健康效應 |
06/09/2010 |
9/13演講:胡務亮 主任 -- Genetic Information, Genetic Diagnosis and Gene Therapy |
23/08/2010 |
8/26演講:Prof. Sun-Yuan Kung-- Making Machine Learning Computations Greener |
11/08/2010 |
8/27演講:Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk-- Quality of Network Resilience: Challenges and Solutions |
09/08/2010 |
8/23演講:Prof. Weng Cho Chew 周永祖 教授-- Computational Electromagnetics, Wave Physics, and Quantum Mechanics |
20/07/2010 |
7/27演講:Prof. Jin-Fa Lee -- EM Research Status at OSU |
07/07/2010 |
7/13演講:Prof. Ashutosh Sabharwal-- On The Capacity of Distributed Resource Allocation |
05/07/2010 |
【地點異動】【99.07.06研討會】敬邀參加 2nd NTU/KAIST Workshop on Signal Integrity and EMC |
18/06/2010 |
【99.07.06 研討會】敬邀參加 2nd NTU/KAIST Workshop on Signal Integrity and EMC |
17/06/2010 |
【歡迎踴躍報名參加】8/2(一) ~ 8/6(五) 2010夏季電磁教育引領研討會 |
08/06/2010 |
6/14演講:廖達琪 所長 -- 能知的公民? |
01/06/2010 |
【歡迎踴躍報名參加】8/2(一) ~ 8/6(五) 2010夏季電磁教育引領研討會 |
31/05/2010 |
【歡迎報名參加】6/14(一)台挪雙邊資通訊研討會 |
26/05/2010 |
5/31演講:朱雲鵬 教授 -- 產業發展的瓶頸 |
20/05/2010 |
6/10 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:EMC/EMI Issues in Biomedical Research |
19/05/2010 |
99.5.17 Prof. Gerhard P. Fettweis演講簡報 |
12/05/2010 |
5/19演講:許炳堅 處長-- 21世紀年輕人看到未來、擁抱未來、戰勝未來 |
05/05/2010 |
5/17IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:How to Keep 100B Transistors Busy for Cellular Communications and Beyond |
04/05/2010 |
99.04.30 Dr. Kenneth K. O 演講簡報 |
04/05/2010 |
5/10演講:涂元光 所長 -- 影像多媒體技術應用 |
30/04/2010 |
5/12演講:Professor H. Y. David Yang -- Electrically Small Metamaterial Folded Antennas for Wireless Systems |
27/04/2010 |
99.04.26 電信所所長時間- 謝豐舟教授演講簡報 |
22/04/2010 |
5/3演講:Dr. K. R. Krishnan -- Joint Optimization of Transmission Schedule and Routing for Network Capacity in Wireless Networks |
22/04/2010 |
5/3演講:Dr. K. R. Krishnan -- Joint Optimization of Transmission Schedule and Routing for Network Capacity in Wireless Networks |
22/04/2010 |
5/3演講:陳文村 教授 -- 我國資通訊發展,兼談學術生涯歷程 |
19/04/2010 |
4/30演講:Dr. Kenneth K. O -- Toward CMOS Terahertz Circuits |
12/04/2010 |
99.4.13 ~ 99.4.16「 4G-LTE Week」:極速4G-LTE寬頻技術研討會˙FDD-LTE科技新櫃體驗 |
12/04/2010 |
4/19演講:王垂堂處長 -- Miniaturization Technology for Wireless SiP Module Design |
30/03/2010 |
4/9演講:Dr. Archambeault-- Common Mode Signals on Differential lines and their impact to EMC |
22/03/2010 |
3/29演講:嚴震東主任 -- Behavioral Electrophysiology |
18/03/2010 |
3/22演講:王崇智 先生 -- 如何提升 全球化挑戰下的競爭力 |
15/03/2010 |
歡迎踴躍報名參加99.3.30-31台英資通訊研討會(UK-Taiwan ICT Workshop) |
09/03/2010 |
3/15演講:李文雄 院士 -- 我的求學與研究經驗 |
01/03/2010 |
3/24 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers 系列講座:Signal Integrity of TSV Based 3D IC |
01/03/2010 |
3/17 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits for Adaptive Antenna Beamforming |
26/02/2010 |
3/15 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:Autonomous Aero-Visual and Sensor Based Inspection Network for Asset Monitoring |
23/02/2010 |
3/1演講:賴瑾 副總經理 -- A Journey of Engineering Career |
22/02/2010 |
3/8演講:鐘嘉德 教授-- Spectrally Precoded OFDM |
09/02/2010 |
2/20演講:Dr. Chung-Hao (Joseph) Chen -- Mobile Platform EMC |
17/12/2009 |
12/23演講:Dr. Ethan Wang --Digital Power Amplifiers: Toward Both Linearity and Efficiency |
08/12/2009 |
12/21演講:Dr. Ethan Wang --Antenna Arrays in Wireless Communications: A System Perspective |
08/12/2009 |
12/17演講:Prof. Gordon L. Stuber --TV Band Cognitive Radio Networks |
08/12/2009 |
12/17演講:Prof. Gordon L. Stüber--TV Band Cognitive Radio Networks |
02/12/2009 |
12/07 演講:Prof. Ezio Biglieri--Sphere Decoding And The Complexity Problem In Space-time Coding |
27/11/2009 |
12/21 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:Channel Capacity and Coding Problems Motivated by The Powerline Channel Model |
23/11/2009 |
12/02演講:梁高榮教授--我國第三代無線通信的釋照機制設計 |
17/11/2009 |
11/19演講:Prof. Yong Liang Guan--Group Decodable, Fast Decodable and Half-Symbol Decodable STBC's |
12/11/2009 |
11/19演講:Dr. S.K. Steve Chang --An Introduction to S-Transform for Time-Frequency Analysis |
10/11/2009 |
[已取消]11/16演講:Prof. Gary G. Yen--Population Control in Eolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm |
03/11/2009 |
11/09演講:Prof. Hikmet Sari--Space-Time Codes with Fast Maximum-Likelihood Decoding |
02/11/2009 |
10/29 Prof. Luis Geraldo Meloni 演講投影片分享 |
29/10/2009 |
11/02演講:Dr. Hanan Luss --Equitable Allocation of Resources in Networks and Location Problems |
29/10/2009 |
10/29演講:Prof. Luis Geraldo Meloni |
22/10/2009 |
11/10演講:Dr. Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos--On the Concept of Electromagnetic Metamorphism and Applications |
21/10/2009 |
10/22研討會:Innovative Solutions of EM Simulation from Components to Systems |
19/10/2009 |
10/26演講:Dr. Bu-Chin Wang --Digital Processing of Radar Image |
16/10/2009 |
10/28 演講:Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo--Advanced Motion Vector Estimation Techniques for Video Coding |
07/10/2009 |
10/22研討會:Innovative Solutions of EM Simulation from Components to Systems |
28/09/2009 |
10/21 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座:Global Stability Analysis and Stabilization of Power Amplifiers |
11/09/2009 |
0916演講:Prof. Tatsuo Itoh --Advances of Composite Right/Left Handed Structures for Microwave Applications |
01/09/2009 |
09/03演講:Prof. Pin-Han Ho--A Framework of Coded Video Multicast |
23/07/2009 |
07/27演講:Prof. Ashu Sabharwal--Networks with a Local View |
10/07/2009 |
8/11 Workshop:Prof. Andrew E. Yagle -- 21 Things I've Learned About Teaching |
26/06/2009 |
7/07演講:李碩彥教授 -- Network coding—A paradigm shift in data transport |
24/06/2009 |
6/29~6/30海外專家短期課程 : Prof. S. Y. Kung -- Kernel Approaches to Supervised / Unsupervised Machine Learning |
24/06/2009 |
7/09演講:王志功教授 -- 射頻、光電與生物積體電路無生產線設計理念與實踐 |
01/06/2009 |
[6月1日起開始報名] 2009 夏季電磁教育引領研討會 |
21/05/2009 |
6/01演講:張仲儒教授 -- Radio Resource Allocation for MIMO/OFDMA Systems |
24/04/2009 |
4/27演講:Dr. Russell Sun -- On the 3G+ broadband Wireless Communication standards: LTE and WiMAX |
15/04/2009 |
4/27演講:Prof. H. J. Trussell -- Color Image Processing: Basic Foundation and Interesting Problems |
07/04/2009 |
4/20演講:Prof. K. J. Ray Liu -- Toward A New Communication Paradigm via Cooperation |
19/03/2009 |
3/25演講:張玨教授--性別與心理健康 |
16/03/2009 |
3/18 演講:Prof. Kenneth K. Mei --The Development of Maxwellian Circuits |
03/03/2009 |
3/9演講:Dr. Borching Su--Blind channel estimation and synchronization in redundant block transmission systems |
31/12/2008 |
1/5演講 : Prof. Li-Chun Wang -- Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless Networks: Top-Down or Bottom-Up Design? |
23/12/2008 |
12/31演講 : Dr. Yu-Jiu Wang -- Circuits and Systems for Wireless Concurrent Communication |
11/12/2008 |
12/19演講 : Prof. Madhavan Swaminathan -- Challenges and Opportunities in 3D Heterogeneous System Integration |
09/12/2008 |
12/15演講 : Prof.Tho Le-Ngoc -- Adaptive Transmission & Resource Allocation Techniques for Broadband Communications |
02/12/2008 |
12/8演講 : Dr. Joseph Mitola -- Domain independent systems engineering for cognitive radio evolution |
26/11/2008 |
12/8演講 : Prof. Stephen Weinstein -- History of OFDM |
18/11/2008 |
11/19演講 : 日月光半導體(股)集團 -- 洪志斌副總經理蒞臨演講 |
13/11/2008 |
11/26演講 : Dr. Zhi Ning Chen -- Miniaturization of Ultra-wideband Antennas |
10/11/2008 |
11/17演講 : Prof. Hiroshi Matsumoto -- Sustainable Humanosphere with Space Environment Use |
27/10/2008 |
電信研究中心「2008 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座」 |
22/10/2008 |
11/12演講 : Dr. Nair, Vijay K -- Heterogeneous Wireless Communication Devices: Present and Future |
08/10/2008 |
10/15演講 : Dr. Sally Liu -- Electro-Magnetic Simulation, RF Device Model, RF Design Tool |
02/10/2008 |
10/13演講 : Prof. Cheng-Shang Chang -- Optical "Queueing" Theory |
25/08/2008 |
09/05演講 : Dr. Carl-Eric W. Sundberg -- High Capacity SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO Systems |
08/07/2008 |
07/17演講 : Prof. Juin J. Liou -- On-Chip Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection for RF IC's |
02/07/2008 |
07/07演講 : Mr. Nick Cheng -- The Trend of and Challenges for 3G Handset Front-End Module Development |
19/06/2008 |
[6/27截止] 名額有限,儘速報名「7/2~7/4臺大電信研究中心海外專家短期課程」 |
16/06/2008 |
06/26演講 : Prof. Richard Han -- Towards the Vision of Wireless Sensor Networks: Experiences from FireWxNet and SensorFlock Application Deployments and Beyond |
09/06/2008 |
7/2~7/4海外專家短期課程 : Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang -- Multimedia Networking: A Comprehensive Perspective of the Overall Systems |
03/06/2008 |
06/09演講 : Prof.Wojtek Burakowski -- Towards the QoS Internet: Lessons from European Projects |
30/05/2008 |
7/2~7/4海外專家短期課程 : Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang -- Multimedia Networking: A Comprehensive Perspective of the Overall Systems |
30/05/2008 |
7/2~7/4海外專家短期課程 : Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang -- Multimedia Networking: A Comprehensive Perspective of the Overall Systems |
30/05/2008 |
06/04演講 : Prof. Luiz Carlos Kretly -- Brazilian Activities in Microelectronics: Academic and Industrial |
30/05/2008 |
06/02演講 : Prof. Ishfaq Ahmad -- Power-Aware High-Performance Computing: The Dawn of the Green Computing Era |
23/05/2008 |
05/28演講 : 黃瑞安 博士 -- 如何建立電信領域的競爭力 |
20/05/2008 |
970728-0801_2008 夏季電磁教育引領研討會,歡迎踴躍參加! |
15/05/2008 |
05/22演講 : Prof. Jes Asmussen -- New Industrial Microwave Material and Plasma Processing Applications |
28/04/2008 |
05/12演講 : Prof. Wayne E. Stark -- Energy-Bandwidth Tradeoff in Wireless Multi-hop Networks |
25/04/2008 |
04/30演講 : Dr. Julio Perdomo -- 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Measurement Solution |
23/04/2008 |
04/28演講 : Prof. Hongya Ge -- Rapidly Converging Transceivers for Multiple Access Wireless Communication Systems |
21/04/2008 |
97.4.28(一)歐盟FP7資訊社會計畫徵求說明座談會,歡迎踴躍參加! |
21/04/2008 |
97.4.28(一)歐盟FP7資訊社會計畫徵求說明座談會 |
15/04/2008 |
04/21座談會 : 電信領域的未來發展及生涯規劃座談會 |
07/04/2008 |
04/14演講 : Dr. Che Lin -- Optimality of Beamforming in the Presence of Feedback |
18/03/2008 |
03/31演講 : Dr. Nim K. Cheung -- The Challenge of the Last 100 Meters - Access Technologies in 2008 |
11/03/2008 |
03/12演講 : 曾昭雄教授 -- Microwave Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line and its Applications |
11/03/2008 |
03/17演講 : Prof. Yuguang "Michael" Fang -- Securing Resource-Constrained Wireless Networks |
27/02/2008 |
03/03演講 : 陸曉峯教授 -- Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Constrained Asymmetric MIMO Systems |
21/02/2008 |
2/25演講 : Mr. Kuang-Hao Liu -- Design, Modeling, and Analysis for MAC Protocols in UWB Networks |
18/02/2008 |
02/19演講 : Prof. Jacob K. Goeree -- Designing the 700MHz auction |
05/02/2008 |
2/21演講 : Prof. Joy Laskar -- The Next Wireless Wave is CMOS, Gb/s and Cognitive |
09/01/2008 |
01/14演講 : Dr. Maulin Patel -- Wireless Body Area Network Applications and Research Challenges |
19/12/2007 |
12/26演講 : 毛紹綱教授 -- Microwave Components Based on Artificial Metamaterials: Theory and Applications |
18/12/2007 |
12/24演講 : Prof. Weihua Zhuang & Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen |
14/12/2007 |
12/28演講 : Prof. Thomas S. Huang -- Audio-Visual Biometrics |
30/11/2007 |
12/19 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座(四):Next Generation Handset Transmitters |
28/11/2007 |
12/17 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座(三):Design of RF-CMOS Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communications |
28/11/2007 |
12/17 IEEE Distinguished Lecturers系列講座(二):Distributed Estimation Using Wireless Sensor Networks |
27/11/2007 |
12/10演講 : Prof. Ezio Biglieri -- Random-set Theory and Its Applicatoins to Wireless Communications |
16/11/2007 |
11/26演講&研討會 : Prof. Antonio Ortega -- Video Coding: Predictions are hard to make, especially about the future |
12/11/2007 |
【歡迎踴躍參加】11/14演講:IEEE Distinguished Lecturers: Prof. Vijay K. Bhargava--Research Challenges in Cognitive Radio Networks |
01/11/2007 |
【歡迎踴躍參加】11/14演講:IEEE Distinguished Lecturers: Prof. Vijay K. Bhargava--Research Challenges in Cognitive Radio Networks |
17/10/2007 |
10/29演講 : 陸曉峯教授-- Approximately Universal Codes for MIMO Communications |
04/10/2007 |
10/05演講 : Mr. Emmanuel LANGE -- Video Compression in HDTV Broadband Broadcasting |
26/09/2007 |
10/15 演講公告: Tech Talk with Intel Senior Fellows |
03/08/2007 |
台大電信所甲組(主修電波)--電磁波實驗課程 |
10/07/2007 |
07/16~18海外訪問學者短期課程 : Prof. Tapan K. Sarkar & Prof. Magdalena Salazar-Palma -- Smart Antennas |
04/07/2007 |
7/12 (四) Prof. Wen Gao: "AVS Standard - from Idea to Practice" Forum |
11/06/2007 |
6/27~28海外訪問學者短期課程:Prof. S.Y. Kung --On Machine Learning Tools for Genomic Data Mining |
11/06/2007 |
6/27~28海外訪問學者短期課程:Prof. S.Y. Kung --On Machine Learning Tools for Genomic Data Mining |
05/06/2007 |
2007/06/16(六)研討會 : Ultra Mobile Broadband Seminar |
05/06/2007 |
2007/06/16(六)研討會 : Ultra Mobile Broadband Seminar |
05/06/2007 |
2007/06/16(六)研討會 : Ultra Mobile Broadband Seminar |
05/06/2007 |
2007/06/16(六)研討會 : Ultra Mobile Broadband Seminar |
28/05/2007 |
06/04演講公告: 侯清雄先生&Mr. Andrew Ho--電子紙科技及應用 |
28/05/2007 |
06/04演講公告: 侯清雄先生&Mr. Andrew Ho--電子紙科技及應用 |
11/05/2007 |
05/18研討會 : NTU Wireless Technology Summit 2007 |
08/05/2007 |
05/17演講 : 96年度台大講座教授專題演講 |
02/05/2007 |
5/8演講 : Prof. Herbert Zirath & Dr. Mingquan Bao |
24/04/2007 |
05/02演講 : Prof. James C. M. Hwang--Dielectric Charging Effects in MEMS Capacitive Switches |
26/01/2007 |
02/26演講: Dr. T. Russell Hsing--What Next for Taiwan ICT Industry and Why? “Automotive Networking and Telematcis Applications” |
08/01/2007 |
01/15演講: Prof. David H.C. Du--Knowledge and Information Based Autonomic Computing and Communication |
03/01/2007 |
01/10演講 : Dr. Peter H. Siegel -- Terahertz Technology in Outer and Inner Space |
02/01/2007 |
01/15演講 : 劉國瑞教授-- Trust Modeling and Evaluation in Distributed Networks |
20/12/2006 |
12/27演講 : 莊炳湟博士-- Making machine talk and listen |
19/12/2006 |
12/27演講 胡台麗博士 : 笛的愛戀--排灣族的情感與美感 |
13/12/2006 |
12/19海外訪問學者短期課程: Dr. Balachander Krishnamurthy--Internet Measurement |
13/12/2006 |
12/28海外訪問學者短期課程Prof. Jenq-Neng Hwang--Wireless Multimedia Networking: QoS and Scalability |
12/12/2006 |
12/18演講:Dr. Balachander Krishnamurthy--Unwanted Traffic/Internet In-Security |
05/12/2006 |
12/11演講:Prof. Kon Max Wong -- Optimum Space-Time Block Code Design for MIMO Communications: A Case for Linear MMSE Receivers |
01/12/2006 |
2006/12/11~2007/2/5海外訪問學者短期課程: Prof. Kun-Mu Chen--Special Topics in Electromagnetics |
28/11/2006 |
12/11演講:Prof. Kon Max Wong -- Optimum Space-Time Block Code Design for MIMO Communications: A Case for Linear MMSE Receivers |
28/11/2006 |
12/04演講:Prof. Chang Wen Chen--Secure Multimedia Transmission over Mobile Wireless Links |
23/11/2006 |
2006/12/11~2007/2/5海外訪問學者短期課程: Prof. Kun-Mu Chen--Special Topics in Electromagnetics |
15/11/2006 |
11/29演講: Prof. Sanjit K. Mitra--Recent Research Results in Image and Video Processing |
14/11/2006 |
2006/12/11~2007/2/5海外訪問學者短期課程: Prof. Kun-Mu Chen--Special Topics in Electromagnetics |
27/10/2006 |
11/01演講:Dr. Donald Y.C. Lie--Highly Efficient and Linear Monolithic RF Class E SiGe Power Amplifier Design |
18/10/2006 |
10/27演講:Michael H. Ji, Ph.D.--Software Configurable Processors (SCP) for High-Speed Image/Video Processing and Wireless Communications |
14/10/2006 |
10/16演講:Dr. Chun-Ting Chou --An Overview of Industry Standardization in Short-range Wireless Communications |
03/10/2006 |
10/16演講:Prof. Yih-Fang Huang--Synchronization Issues in OFDM |
29/09/2006 |
10/19海外訪問學者短期課程: Prof. Yih-Fang Huang--An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing |
20/09/2006 |
9/27演講公告: Prof. Michal Mrozowski |
22/08/2006 |
8/25演講公告 : Prof. Li Ping--Interleave-Division Multiple-Access(IDMA) |
21/06/2006 |
6/26~ 6/27:九十五年度種子教師培訓研討會 - 無線多媒體計算 |
02/06/2006 |
更正: 06/07演講公告: Dr. Alvin Cheung--Hippocratic Database: Addressing the Privacy Challenge |
02/06/2006 |
更正: 06/07演講公告: Dr. Alvin Cheung--Hippocratic Database: Addressing the Privacy Challenge |
02/06/2006 |
06/07演講公告: Dr. Alvin Cheung--Hippocratic Database: Addressing the Privacy Challenge |
30/05/2006 |
6/7演講公告: 呂忠心博士--Taiwan ICT Industry in Crossroad |
23/05/2006 |
05/30演講公告: Dr. Nim K. Cheung--Towards the Era of Ubiquitous Networks |
09/05/2006 |
05/17演講公告:Mr. Ralph Gibbemeyer--從WiMAX與HSDPA技術運用看整合通訊趨勢 |
03/05/2006 |
05/03彭松村教授演講簡報--電磁學:何去何從? |
25/04/2006 |
05/03演講公告: 彭松村教授--電磁學:何去何從? |
13/04/2006 |
4/21演講公告: Prof. Marek E. Bialkowski--Design Issues of an UWB Microwave System for Breast Cancer Detection |
06/04/2006 |
4/10演講公告: Prof. Hiroya Fujisaki--A system for academic information retrieval based on human-machine dialogue |
22/03/2006 |
03/29演講公告:Prof. Hisamatsu NAKANO --Recent Progress in Antenna Technologies |
16/03/2006 |
3/27演講公告: Prof. S.Y. Kung--Network coding for Adhoc Wireless and Sensor Networks |
16/03/2006 |
3/27演講公告: Prof. S.Y. Kung--Network coding for Adhoc Wireless and Sensor Networks |
16/03/2006 |
3/27演講公告: Prof. Sadaoki Furui--Why is Automatic Recognition of Spontaneous Speech so Difficult? |
07/03/2006 |
03/21演講公告:Dr. Wolfgang Winkler-- Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits in SiGe:C BiCMOS Technology |
28/12/2005 |
01/04演講公告:Dr. Te-Hui Wang --WiMAX Current Status & Future Trend |
12/12/2005 |
時間更正:12/19演講時間更正為下午2:20 |
12/12/2005 |
12/19演講公告:Prof.T. S. Huang--Video Analysis Using Generative Models |
08/12/2005 |
12/12演講公告: Prof. Pin-Han Ho--The Evolution of Modern Communication Networks and Internet |
30/11/2005 |
12/07演講公告: Prof. Jin-Fa Lee--Finite Element Domain Decomposition Techniques for Solving Large Electromagnetic Problems |
09/11/2005 |
11/14演講公告: Dr. James C. Rautio--Spiral Inductors 0n Silicon and Advanced Electromagnetics Concepts |
28/10/2005 |
11/2演講公告: 韓國璋博士--挑戰2008─桃園龍園行動通訊工程中 |
24/10/2005 |
10/31演講公告: Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo |
17/10/2005 |
教育部「通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫--網路應用與服務」10/24~26演講公告 |
12/10/2005 |
10/24演講公告: Dr. Chun-Ting Chou |
12/10/2005 |
10/24演講公告:Prof. Tsuhan Chen -- New Frontier in Visual Communication and Networking: Multi-View Imaging |
29/07/2005 |
08/04演講公告:Dr. Nim K. Cheung -- Technology and Architecture Trends in Optical Networking |
16/06/2005 |
06/27演講公告:Prof. K. J. Ray Liu -- Can Signal Processing Predict Cancer? |
09/06/2005 |
06/13演講公告:梁仁尉博士--A New Era in Digital TV Broadcast : DVB-T |
25/05/2005 |
06/06演講公告:Prof. Victor Li--False Assumption for Resource Dimensioning in Networking |
24/05/2005 |
05/24演講公告:Dr. Kyung Ho Lee--Introduction of R&D Status on MMW MMIC at ETRI |
16/05/2005 |
05/23演講公告 : Dr. Herbert Zirath |
25/02/2005 |
03/09演講公告: Prof. Makoto Ando |
17/02/2005 |
02/21演講公告:孫明廷教授--A Framework for Autonomous Learning of Semantic Visual Models |
23/12/2004 |
12/29演講公告 : Prof. Shuo-Yen Robert Li (Bob) 李碩彥--Theory of Linear Network Coding |
23/12/2004 |
12/27 演講公告 : Prof. Chi-Hsiang Yeh--Wireless MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Mesh Networks |
01/12/2004 |
12/7 演講公告 : Dr. Jes Asmussen |
24/11/2004 |
12/6 演講公告 : Dr. Jeff Kuo--Maximum Entropy Modeling for Speech Recognition |
22/11/2004 |
12/01 演講公告 : Dr. Lindor E. Henrickson--SONET / SDH Digital Network Tutorial |
19/11/2004 |
11/20-24演講公告:李中生博士 |
08/11/2004 |
11/8 演講公告:Prof. Yuh-Jzer Joung--教育部「通訊科技教育改進計畫-網路應用與服務」九十三年度北區校際講座 |
03/11/2004 |
11/10 演講公告: Prof. Ben A. Munk--Frequency Selective Surface and Finite Array |
02/11/2004 |
11/16 演講公告 : Dr. James C. Rautio -- The Life of James Clerk Maxwell |
27/10/2004 |
11/01 演講公告 : Prof. 鐘嘉德 -- Orthogonally Multiplexed Modulation Families |
14/10/2004 |
10/18 演講公告: Prof. David H.C. Du--Data, Data, Everywhere; How to Get What You Want? |
04/10/2004 |
10/6 演講公告:陳良弼教授--Mining Frequent Sequences |
16/09/2004 |
9/22 Mr. I-Hsiang Lin 演講公告 |
27/08/2004 |
9/2 Prof. Leung Tsang 演講公告 |
09/08/2004 |
8/11 Prof. Dr. Tzi-cker Chiueh--Multi-Dimensional Storage Virtualization |
08/07/2004 |
7/14~~7/17九十三年度種子教師培訓—網路應用服務管理系列研討會 |
08/07/2004 |
7/12~~7/15九十三年度種子教師培訓--無線網路內容遞送研討會 |
25/06/2004 |
7/1演講公告 Dr. Yong Rui, Dr. Ivan Tashev |
27/05/2004 |
5/29 演講公告Prof. Chris Chafe |
01/04/2004 |
04/09 演講公告 Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo--Digital Rights Management (DRM) Technologies and Systems |
24/03/2004 |
03/29演講公告Dr. Mike Wang--The Current and Prospective Status of DTV Technology: Preparation, Processing, and Protection |
03/03/2004 |
3/8 演講公告 Prof. B.H. Juang--Interactive Multimedia & Intelligent Broadband - Key to Telecom Revival |
18/02/2004 |
02/25演講公告--Prof. Ke Wu / Prof. Tapan K. Sarkar |
18/02/2004 |
03/01林一平教授演講--Wireless Communications Road Map for Taiwan: Systems, Networks and Services |
04/02/2004 |
Call for Paper of ICCCAS 2004 |
12/12/2003 |
12/15 演講公告 Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione --What's Next for Digital Media |
01/12/2003 |
12/15 演講公告 Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione --What’s Next for Digital Media |
14/11/2003 |
11/17 專題演講--交通大學蔡文祥副校長 |
14/08/2003 |
0821演講公告--陳亮光教授"Research on Multi-wavelength Passive Optical Networks (PON)" |
02/07/2003 |
2003年消息理論與通訊秋季研討會 |
01/03/2003 |
國科會九十二年度「補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會」開始受理申請,受理期限至本年三月三十一日止 |